Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Not Quite a Garden Bounty

Due to the late start, our garden hasn't produced much yet.  We've enjoyed some nice spinach despite the heat, and the radishes are still growing.  We didn't plant much else for a spring crop, so we've been waiting impatiently for our summer vegetables to produce.  The lack of rain delayed things a bit, but we finally got our first summer vegetable harvest yesterday --- a nice selection of summer squash and zucchini.

The front garden is nearly weeded, but the back garden is a mess.  There are green cherry tomatoes and tomatillos, and the cucumbers are starting to blossom.  Unfortunately, the beans appear to be dying, but the sweet corn is doing better than it should be (the competing weeds are about the only thing doing well without attention).  Hopefully there will be more to share this weekend.

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